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Report shows old(er) snapshot



I created a new snaphot and I can manually select the snapshot in the Report History, but when I open the report from the report folder view I still get the previous snapshot.

When I switch to Details View I also still see the previous 'Last Run' date.

What am I missing here? What do I need to refresh?

Thanks in advance,


How to do selections on Multi value parameters in SSRS


Hi Guys,

I have this problem on Multi value parameters.

I have defined two parameters as drop downs. One for ID and one for year. I want using these to filter a Matrix table data. On this Matrix data set I have set a sqlquery with the parameters on the where clause. The where query is like this,

"Where UID in (@parameter1) OR Year in (@paramerter2)" 

My problem would be I need to allow the user to select either multiple selections from both the drop downs, or allow user to select one value from the drop down and select the data. In SSRS its not allowed to filter only by one parameter and I get prompted to select both. Then I tried having a default parameter as per the below article since null values are not supported for multi value parameters.


Still when I put a default dummy value and use the OR close I get wrong results. I even tried using the parameters at Matrix level.

Do you know any good way I can use the multi value parameters? or any other good link

Please let me know



SSRS Matrix report. Variance expression by Month. Need to compare month from prior year to current month of current year VS2010


Please help.  I have a matrix report.  In the report I have row group  PO Type.  One the Column groups I have a parent group by Fiscal Year, and then a child group by Month.  When I run the report, I get two years of data back broken out by month.  Please see below.

Now here is where I am getting stuck.  I need to take the variance between the current month of the current year, from the same month of the prior year.  So I need to show the difference between Oct , 2014 from Oct, 2013. November, 2014 from November 2013... etc. etc.

In the example below, how do I create a column or row showing the variance for Contracts for October 2014.  I need to take the contracts for October 2014 which is 3 and subtract that from October 2013 which is 8.  Any suggestions? How do I do that for each month?  Then I need to do it for the quarter... then the year?  But I'll be happy if I can just get the month working first.

Any help will be appreciated. 

here is what my rdl file looks like.

Here is what my report looks like when I render it.

SSRS 2016 report takes minutes before displaying after render is completed


One of my key reports has a rather wide tablix (about 60-70 columns, typically around 300 rows). As this table needs to be displayed at once, the InteractiveReportSize is set to 0 in width as well as height.

After upgrading to SSRS 2016, Chrome as well as IE seemed to hang as soon as the report was being loaded: the "loading" sign froze, and Chrome threw a warning every minute that the site froze due to a long-running script. However, after several minutes in Chrome (up to half an hour in IE) the report showed up correctly.

The dataset returns within a few seconds, and according to the ExecutionLog finished rendering within a second:

RequestType  Format  TimeDataRetrieval  TimeProcessing  TimeRendering  Source  ByteCount  RowCount  

The row appeared in the execution log before the report displayed in the browser, so apparently the HTML was rendered already, but the browser just took ages to display it correctly. Rendering the same report in other formats works fine: Excel, WinForms in SSDT and even rendering MHTML webarchive and displaying this inside IE is done within seconds. My guess is the problem lies within a JavaScript Report Manager uses which doesn't handle large reports nicely.

As soon as I set the InteractiveReportSize to something less than the entire report, everything is fine: 143 cm width, 29,7 cm height still displays in a few seconds. However, increasing the InteractiveHeight makes display times rapidly worse.

When I record a load within the Chrome developer Timeline, I can see the majority of the waiting time is spent running "ResizeTablixRows" (this particular example has a InteractiveReportsize of 60 cm height, so the display time is "only" 1.5 minute):

Analysis of script render time.

I couldn't find this particular situation elsewhere on the internet, but has anyone else experienced similar performance problems with displaying large tables / matrices in SSRS 2016 in their entirety in-browser? Maybe workarounds / ideas to improve performance without having to split the tablix into multiple pages? Or might removing conditional formatting help in order to improve the render times?

Heck, even a hack to skip / improve the served javascript would be welcome - though unsupported, it would at least make my report usable in SSRS 2016 :-).

SSRS 2016 logging same message 250+ times per second


Greetings, this is my first time posting so I apologize in advance.

I have an SSRS instance that works fine from a user's perspective.  On the server, however, I have to delete logs every day or my drive fills up.  I am getting 33MB of the same line repeated 250+ times per second:

library!WindowsService_0!2634!06/06/2016-18:07:48:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException: , An error occurred within the report server database.  This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database.;

I copied all of my reports and datasets from a test server onto a production server (brand new VM spun up with only this installed) and made sure to follow the migration instructions provided.  Upon doing so, my new server gives that error a crazy number of times.  I've scoured the database and Reporting Services Configuration Manager for any references to the previous server.  Found a few, but have corrected them all and this issue persists.  

What other information can I provide to assist in resolving this?

How to link SSRS subscriptions to the ExecutionLog and/or RunningJobs table


If I have a report with many subscriptions how do I know which report subscription is being shown in the ExecutionLog Table or the Running Jobs table? We have a reporting system that monitors the status of our subscriptions and it is VERY difficult to link the correct subscription to these records. I would have thought by the time SSRS 2016 came out putting something as basic as SubscriptionID (already exists in the subs table) into these table would have been thought of.  

Maybe I am missing something but this seems to be a blaring omission. It shows that it is a subscription in the Execution Log the Running Jobs table does not even show that but obviously there has to be something to pin the subscription to the correct record.



Using OR in IIF function in Reporting Services

I would like to use OR statement within the IIF function in an expression box in reporting services. The goal is to use a different background color based on the true-false returned by IIF. The statement i used is like this :

IIF((fields!field1.value > field2.value or len(field3.value)>0 and field4.value > today),"lightcyan","lightyellow")

It seems that this is not parsed succesfully because i see only lightcyan as background even when the condition isn't matched.
Is there a way for the IIF to parse OR - AND between numerous fields? Ofcourse in SQL statement that works and my question is how do i transfer the same logic in an expression in Reporting Services.

Please advise, thanks.

Lookup function


Hi All,

I'm trying to join two Datasets, so I would be able to retrive the correct Data depending on if the criteria is met; for example:

=Lookup(First(Fields!countrycode.Value, "DataSet1"), First(Fields!countryCode.Value, "DataSet2"),
(First(Fields!sourceCode.Value, "DataSet2")

but I keep getting the following error messages:

[rsExpressionMissingCloseParen] There is a syntax error in the Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox52.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’: ‘)’ expected.

Or is there another function I can use to get the Data out please?

Thank you!


Combine 9 SSRS reports into one report



I am using SSRS - 2014 my IT manager challenge me to combine 9 reports into 1 report. In another words have the user just enter the dates of the report and press View Report all 9 reports will be printed. I am not sure how to go about it.  Here is my idea:

Create a SSRS report with date parameters not all reports will use the same date parameters, fortunately all of the reports have same parameter names. Add the nine reports as sub reports.  Here is my concerns:

  • How would it print out?  Do I have to size the sub reports? 
  • Would the sub reports look good (I have some graphics on some reports)
  • Would all the 9 reports pick up the parameters from the main report?

Anybody who had similar issues, please let me know and what approach you have created. I appreciate the help.  Thank you in advance.

Report Builder 3.0 - Bar Chart - x axis showing a bar with 0 value - how to omit


I have built a bar chart in Report Builder 3.0 that operates fine except  that it show a bar for an x axis label of nothing and labels it with a count of 0.  How can I get the chart to omit the unlabeled zero count x-axis entry?  There is no blank or null Originating Department in the dataset.  Thanks tonnes for any help, Roscoe



SSRS Report Export to pdf Error

SSRS report exporting to pdf generates this error 

<detail><ErrorCode xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">rrRenderingError</ErrorCode><HttpStatus xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">An error occurred during rendering of the report.</Message><HelpLink xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=20476&amp;EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rrRenderingError&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.5343.0</HelpLink><ProductName

xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services</ProductName><ProductVersion xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">11.0.5343.0</ProductVersion><ProductLocaleId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">1033</ProductLocaleId><OperatingSystem xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">OsIndependent</OperatingSystem><CountryLocaleId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">1033</CountryLocaleId><MoreInformation xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices"><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore</Source><Message msrs:ErrorCode="rrRenderingError" msrs:HelpLink="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=20476&amp;EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rrRenderingError&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.5343.0" xmlns:msrs="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">An error occurred during rendering of the report.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering</Source><Message>An error occurred during rendering of the report.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.HPBProcessing</Source><Message>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</Message></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation><Warnings xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices" /></detail




is it possible to get the values for my Report about existing c# functions or classes? And how it works?? 

Greez Daniel

Size Limit for Dataset Query in Report Designer

I was working on the SSRS Report Designer and was trying to copy and paste a huge SQL query from SQL Management Studio (like I always do) to the dataset window.

This method usually works, but for this extremely long SQL query with nested SELECTs and JOINs, it seems as though the Report Designer dataset query window limits the number of characters including carriage returns I can input in it.

When I paste my SQL query from
SQL Management Studio, it seems to paste only three quarters of the query, and thereafter I am not able to manually key in anything else or even make a line feed in the dataset query window.

Is there a limit to the number of characters I can key in here ? If so, is there any workarounds or configurations I can try ?


Report Builder - Display data based upon Created Date and Launch Date if number is within 7 days of each other


I have two date fields in a SharePoint list (Created) and (Launch). What I need to do is filter my view in Report Builder to show if the Created date and the Launch Date are within 7 days of each other. Put another way, 

(C)1/1/2016 and (L)1/4/2016 would be displayed in my report

(C)1/1/2016 and (L)1/9/2016 would not be displayed in my report

I know this has to be very easy, but have not used Report Builder in many years.

Report builder drops authentication information when Sql server 2016 is configured with custom authentication instead of Windows


I have configured sql server 2016 to do custom authentication instead of windows authentication. This was achieved mainly using following 2 articles



Everything is working as expected with Custom authentication in Sql server 2016. Users when try to access with SSRS url, they are greeted with custom login page. Once they enter the correct credentials they can login into SSRS portal and perform the requested operation.

Recently I tried to use Report Builder on this configuration. Initially it worked as expected. While connecting RB to SSRS, it prompted for credentials

User supplied credentials are passed to IAuthenticationExtension2::LogonUser. LogonUser checks credentials and returns true if credentials are correct. Report Builder once receives true from LogonUser it connects to SSRS url.

Now everything works fine for a min or 2. I am able to open / design / save / run reports. Suddenly after a short period of time Report builder drops the connection.

Most of the time during RB operation (when it works), requests would come into IAuthenticationExtension2::GetUserInfo method with correct value in HttpContext.Current.User. However when RB drops the connection, it calls IAuthenticationExtension2::GetUserInfo with HttpContext.Current.User null value

If I manually disconnect SSRS in RB and again repeat the above connection process then again RB works for few mins and after that same issue.

It looks like Report Builder is having some issue when SSRS is setup in custom authentication mode. It looks like a bug but I want to make sure I am not missing anything in my configuration. Please let me know if anyone has faced a similar issue and if any trick which helped you. Thanks....

Ojas Maru ( My blog )

Unable to preview report in SSDT 2015


Hello all,

First, I have been away from SSRS for a while.  I was familiar with SSRS 2008 and am new to SSRS 2014/2016.  Here's the setup:

  - SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition (including SSRS)
  - AdventureWorks2014
  - Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 2 and SSDT 2015

Solution                         Report
----------                         ----------
DataSource01.rds         MyDataSource
Dataset01.rds               MyDataset

In the report is a simple 3-column table -- no grouping, nothing fancy.  The DataSetName property is set correctly (MyDataset).  When I try to preview the report, the error I'm getting is, "An error occurred during local report processing.  The definition of the report '/Dataset01' is invalid".

At first, I wondered if the issue is due to the versions of SQL Server and VS/SSDT I'm using (2014 and 2015, respectively), but this seems to suggest I'm okay in that regard.  I've deleted the data source, dataset and report from the project and recreated them (with different names).  Much of what I'm finding online addresses issues with deploying to a report server, which isn't the case here.  I will obviously keep looking for a solution, but thought I'd pose this question here in hopes someone can point me in the right direction.

If there is other information needed, please let me know and I'll post it.


Retrieving SSRS Report Snapshot Programmatically and Display it in a Report Viewer.


    simply I want to retrieve a ssrs report snapshot and view it in a report viewer so I used this code

    string urlReportServer = "http://workstation/ReportServer_WORKSERVER";
    rptViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;
    rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri(urlReportServer);
    rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/main";
    rptViewer.ServerReport.HistoryId = "4F1F8306-7493-49EC-8EA1-72F217F8E568";// which I got from the ReporServer database.

    then I got this error 

    The parameter value provided for 'snapshotID' does not match the parameter type. (rsParameterTypeMismatch)

      • String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

      although I run the snapshot from the url normally and everything is working fine.

    Report Builder - Display data based upon Created Date and Launch Date if number is within 72hrs of each other




    In my table, referenced in the above link I have a days difference calculated column that counts the days and returns a number ex. "6" I'm guessing for this new report, I now need something that will calculate and return hours. Then I need to create a new expression that will look at the value and anything 72 or less, display those results.

    Looking for suggestions.

    Adding Dynamic minimum value for y axis


    Hi All,

    I have a line chart with the below values: 

    y axis (%) : sum(iif(x="",a,0))/sum(iif(y="",b,0)) 

    x axis: hours

    please note that the chart data is grouped on hour thus the data on the chart is shown per hour.

    Now, my requirement is if the min value on y axis is less than 25% then the min value of y axis should be 0 else it should be 25.

    I tried to put the formula directly to the min value expression of y axis but in that case the grouping is not getting applied and it is not giving the correct output.

    Please suggest the solution or any workaround to this problem.

    Thanks and Regards,


    rsUnknown USerName Error in Reporting Service


    I am having error rsUnkownUserName error whenever I try to add new user role. After multiple search, I am convinced that the root of the error is I didn't add particular user in my Active Directory.
    In my machine I am unable to add user/group to Active Directory. I cannot add to Domain either. There are loopholes in my understanding, I think. So please kindly direct me to correct way. 
    I just installed a window server and created a domain. But I don't know how to link to the server and my machine ( is it really necessary for my case? I am not sure) 
    My objective is simple, I want to grant access to other user who is viewing my report files-that I uploaded to reporting server. I am lost, please suggest me. I have never done this before and have no idea at all.
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