my report has four parameters (pYear, pMonth, pCustID, pSubCustId) each getting their availabe and default values from a dataset.
When I run my report in BIDS, each parameter is populated by the queries resultset,
however when I deploy the report to the Target Server (SQL Server 2008 R2) and
execute it by using IE8, only parameters pYear and pMonth (as dropdown box) are populated as expected, the others are blank.
I've setup Parameters pMonth, pMonth, pCustID, pSubCustId to be cascading by specify a T-SQL whereclause.
ex. for Parameter pCustID
SELECT CustID, CustName from vwCustomers where Year = @pYear and Month = @pMonth
I'm currently clueless where to look further,
so I've made sure that my Report deployment properties OverwriteDatasets, OverwriteDataSources are set to true.
Any clues on how to troubleshoot are greatly appreciated.