Problem in Exporting SSRS report to CSV format:
Description for Problem:
The CSV export uses the textbox names for the column headings in SSRS 2005/2008 due this column names are not coming properely in CSV file but in SSRS report its coming fine.i need same column names as in SSRS report (bcoz in my report column names are coming from Expressions (Column names are not hardcoded)) .
For Ex: In Report columns names(textbox names) are like cc1.cc2,cc3....etc but at runtime(from application) it coming building,department etc and each columns will move up and down dynamicaly as per selection and in reports also displaying as per selection(i wrote expression for column header) but when i export it into CSV format column names are coming cc1.cc2...etc but i need building,department etc.But when export into Excel its format is coming fine.
Please help me for this Issue.