Hi All;
In the below query i need to use order by date i.e Jan-10,Feb-10, Nar-10 and so on .
Its ((CONVERT(Varchar(10), new_monthlyprofileoutidname, 105)))in the format Apr-11,Jan-12 and so on
Any help much appreciated
max(CONVERT(Varchar(10), new_monthlyprofileoutidname, 105)) AS GeneratedDate
from FilteredNew_monthlyoutput
where new_monthlyprofileoutidname is not null and new_monthlyprofileoutidname<> ''
--and statuscodename in (@Status)
--and new_programmemoidname in (@Programme)
--and new_programcontracouttidname in (@ProgrammeContract)
group by new_monthlyprofileoutidname
order by new_monthlyprofileoutidname ASC