I understand from other areas on internet that Visual Studio 2008 does not support SQL 2005 SSRS projects. From what is said in those posts, Because SQL 2005 SSRS came out before VS 2008 and SQL 2005 added in BIDS to VS 2005, VS 2008 does not support SSRS for SQL 2005.
What I want to know is with this new SSRS BIDS 2008 will we be able to deploy reports to SQL 2005 SSRS servers?
If we can not do that, it means that we can not move development to BIDS 2008 and VS 2008 until we are ready to upgrade all these areas at same time. This is a VERY HIGH RISK tasking. The other option is to leave split existing applications into separate parts so that reporting areas are separated from other development areas. In other words reporting will have to be done under VS 2005 and other areas under VS 2008.
All of this seems to violate the very principles Microsoft is trying to preach. First, to combine separate areas into solutions. Second, is true backward compatibility. True backward compatibility means that you can not only upgrade to newer versions from older versions, but that you can have mixed environments and deploy to both new and older servers from latest development products.
Sorry for the rant.