I am trying to query a single table and return two sets of data into two columns for a report.
the table in question (tblReviewComments) looks something like this:
Key - ReviewCommentTypeID - PlainText
001 - 15 - "Text of Comment type 1"
002 - 10 - "Text of Commen type 2"
I am trying to return a distinct colum for each type of comment.
The complete query as is can be filtered to show any of the comment types.
INNER JOIN tblReviewBankInfo
ON tblReviewBorrower.ReviewBorrowerId = tblReviewBankInfo.ReviewBorrowerId
INNER JOIN tblReviewNote
ON tblReviewBorrower.ReviewBorrowerId = tblReviewNote.ReviewBorrowerId
INNER JOIN tblReview
ON tblReviewBorrower.ReviewKey = tblReview.ReviewKey AND tblReviewNote.ReviewKey = tblReview.ReviewKey
INNER JOIN tblReviewComment
ON tblReviewBorrower.ReviewBorrowerId = tblReviewComment.ReviewBorrowerId AND tblReview.ReviewKey = tblReviewComment.ReviewKey