I am new on the MDX and I have created a MDX query that works in the Management Studio, however in the query designer it fails with error written in the title.
Any suggestion how this error can be avoided, after reading a lot of forums I understand that query must be changed, but I am uncertain on. My head is in the T-SQL mode where I know how to solve it, however in MDX I struggle finding my way around.
SELECT [Agent].[Agent Group Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Agent].[Agent Login].ALLMEMBERS * [Measures].[# of Calls] ON 0, [Queue Date].[Month Name].ALLMEMBERS ON 1
FROM [CTI Calls]
WHERE ([Queue Date].[Year].&[2013])
My ideal result would be to get a result like this:
I see a suggestion is to use OLE DB provider instead of the MSAS but I've read the OLE DB doesn't accept parameter in query ref: SQL Chick
So any suggestion? I guess my initially MDX is not quite correct syntax so I appreciate any good advice on how to solve this.