I have been struggling with this for the past 4 days. I tried all possible solutions from different forums. I do have two parameters in the reports. The first one can accept a single value and second parameter accepts multiple values. I have set the 2nd parameter as multi value parameter and its expression as Join(Parameters!Route.Value,","). For some reason I get the error message “Parameter “Route” is missing its value”. Here is my code
If Not ((ddlLocation.SelectedValue = "") Or (chkMultipleRoutes.SelectedValue = "")) Then 'Dim SelectedRoutes As New List(Of String) Dim myAL = New ArrayList Dim Routes As New List(Of String) myAL.Add(ddlLocation.SelectedValue) For i As Integer = 0 To chkMultipleRoutes.Items.Count - 1 If chkMultipleRoutes.Items(i).Selected Then 'txtSelectedRoutes.Text += chkMultipleRoutes.Items(i).Text + "','" myAL.Add(chkMultipleRoutes.Items(i).Text) txtSelectedRoutes.Text += chkMultipleRoutes.Items(i).Text + "," txtSelectedRoutes_PopupControlExtender.Cancel() End If Next Dim reportParameterCollection As ReportParameter() = New ReportParameter(1) {} reportParameterCollection(0) = New ReportParameter() reportParameterCollection(0).Name = "LocationID" reportParameterCollection(0).Values.Add(ddlLocation.SelectedValue) reportParameterCollection(1) = New ReportParameter("Route", CType(myAL.ToArray(GetType(String)), String())) ReportViewer1.Visible = "True" ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri("http://test/ReportServer_RPT") ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/ReportTest" ReportViewer1.ServerReport.SetParameters(reportParameterCollection) ReportViewer1.ServerReport.Refresh()
I really appreciate any help this. What is that I am doing wrong here?