I have a table Matrix as follows:
Row Group = Segment2
Column Group = Year, Month_Int
On the row Groups I've used the filter option to restrict the returned records to only show for certain values in segment2. The results look as follows:
I'm trying to calculate the PVE per Shift as: (Number of 4.5 Shifts/Total Patient Visits)
My row group filter looks like this: =IIf(InStr(Fields!Segment2.Value, "9060") > 0
, "Include"
, "Exclude")
=IIf(InStr(Fields!Segment2.Value, "9030") > 0
, "Include"
, "Exclude")
The value in the column is also an expression as follows: =Sum(Fields!Debit_Amount.Value)-Sum(Fields!Credit_Amount.Value)
When I tried this as my formula it simply sums all the values returned in the Matrix and does not consider the value '9060': =IIf(InStr(Fields!Segment2.Value, "9060"),0, Sum(Fields!Credit_Amount.Value) - Sum(Fields!Debit_Amount.Value))/=IIf(InStr(Fields!Segment2.Value,"9030"),0, Sum(Fields!Credit_Amount.Value) - Sum(Fields!Debit_Amount.Value))
I'm doing this on SQL 2008R2, any help is greatly appreciated.