Hello Community
I have a application that uses SQL Server Reporting Service.
I have multiple reports running successfully.
Only one report doesn't run it creates the parameters correctly
and apparently passes the parameter also because the error message
"An error occurred during local report processing"
"An errror has occurred during report processsing"
"Failed to evaluate the FilterValues"
Those are the errors it seem like the second line is similar to the
first line so those are probably 2 different errors.
Here is where the parameters get passed to:
publicpartialclassapp1pgm :Form
DateTime fDate;
DateTime tDate;
string formName;
publicapp1pgm ()
publicapp1pgm (DateTime
fromDate, DateTime toDate,string frmName)
fDate = fromDate;
tDate = toDate;
formName = frmName;
privatevoidapp1pgm _Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
reportViewer1.ProcessingMode =ProcessingMode.Local;
LocalReport localReport = reportViewer1.LocalReport;
localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource ="appl1.appl1pgm.rdlc";
fDate =Convert.ToDateTime(fDate);tDate
= Convert.ToDateTime(tDate);
ReportParameter[] params =newReportParameter[2];
params[0] =newReportParameter("parfDate",Convert.ToString(fDate));
[params[1] =newReportParameter("partDate",Convert.ToString(tDate));
The parameters get passed to the ReportViewer I have already set the filter in properties
to receive the parameters and set the parameters in Report Parameters in the rdlc.
Any ideas what the problem is?
Thank you