For each part number I am trying to find out in which week of a month did the largest daily shipment occur... so using report builder 3.0
in SSRS 2012 I can find daily, weekly and monthly totals for the units shipped but I am having a hard time thinking through the logic to find the daily max for each week.
in my data I can have multiple orders/shipments for the same product on the same day.
The ultimate goal is to set inventory levels
In my matrix report I have
Row groups:
Classid => Product class
InvtID => Item Part Number
Column Groups:
FiscYr=> Fiscal Year
PerPost => Month or period the transaction occurred
Week_period => the week the transaction occurred
Day_period => The day that the transaction occurred
The aggregations are
The Sum(case_shipped) is working as desired but the Max(case_shipped) is picking out the max amount shipped on any one order when looking
at the week, month or fiscal period and that is not what I need.
I have attached a screenshot since a picture is worth more than my words. I have also included some sample data
I would very much appreciate any thoughts on this. I am guessing that the solution has something to do with using the inscope function but
I can't wrap my head around how to use it
Thank you
Tom D
Here is some sample data for Product A
Invtid Case_ship Trandate FiscYr PerPost week_period day_period
A 10 1/1/2104 2014 1 1 1
A 3 1/1/2014 2014 1 1 1
A 50 1/2/2104 2014 1 1 2
A 30 1/3/2014 2014 1 1 3
A 20 1/9/2104 2014 1 2 2
A 5 1/9/2104 2014 1 2 2
A 20 1/10/2014 2014 1 2 3
A 60 1/10/2104 2014 1 2 3
On 1/1/2104 I shipped a total of 13 cases
On 1/2/2104 I shipped a total of 50 cases
On 1/3/2104 I shipped a total of 30 cases
On 1/9/2014 I shipped a total of 30 cases
On 1/10/2014 I shipped a total of 80 cases
On 1/9 I shipped a total of 25 cases
I would like to show that in week 1 the maximum number of cases shipped on any day is 50 (1/2/2014)
I would like to show that in week 2 the maximum number of cases shipped on any day is 80 (1/10/2104)
I would also like to show that in perpost (month) 1 the maximum
number of cases shipped on any day is 80 (1/10/2104)