I have created a report with columns for case name, date opened, staff assigned, title, contact date, created by, and comments. I also have selected the comment_type field for the sake of indicating which data to pull but it will not be listed on the report. I have the following IIf statement which indicates that if the comment_type is NOT equal to 4322 then I want it to return NOTHING (or a blank line, one line ONLY, not repeated ugh) and if it IS equal to 4322 then that's the information I want to be placed on the report for created by, contact date, and comment fields.
=IIf(Fields!comment_type_sk.Value <> 4322, Nothing, 4322)
Now, the problem is, I want the report to generate as below and I'm not sure where to place this in order for it to render correctly. If the comment type 4322 is present then print the information in the last three columns, if it is anything but that, then just a blank line where those fields are. The report itself is to be pulled on dated opened. SO...I'm not sure if this code should go under a parameter? or if it should just be stated in the expression for each of those fields? PS I am teaching myself SQL. Sorry for the lack of knowledge.
Smith, Joe 1/1/2007 Jones, Tom Lead Atty 1/28/2013 MJohnson Set up meeting
Franz, Joseph 3/15/2008 Grouch, Oscar Lead Atty
Jones, Paula 2/16/2013 French, Mary Partner 2/20/2013 DFalk Atty Introduction