Using a SSAS cube as source I'm having problems getting using a dynamic parameter expression of the Quarter part of the time dimension so that the current quarter is selected each time the report is executed. The time dimension is using a Fiscal year - where for example Q4 is for February, March and April) and Q1 (for May, June, July) etc,,
Below I haved showed how the parameter is working using a hardcoded Quarter part - and how it's not using the dynamic one:
When hardcoding the Quarter as in the below expression - using this expression - the parameter works:
="[PostingPeriod].[Posting Period].[Year].&[" & Year( DateAdd( "m", -4, Today() ) ) & "].&[Q4].&[" & Month( DateAdd( "m", -4, Today() ) ) & "]"
When trying to do a dynamic solution for the Quarter it's not working (emty results in the parameter list) - I'm using this:
="[PostingPeriod].[Posting Period].[Year].&[" & Year( DateAdd( "m", -4, Today() ) ) & "].&[Q" & DatePart(DateInterval.Quarter,DateAdd(DateInterval.Month,-1,today())) & "].&[" & Month( DateAdd( "m", -4, Today() ) ) & "]"
Suggesting to how I can solve this dynamic would be very appriciated.