I am trying to do conditional formatting on my tables cells using ssrs report builder. Basically, I created the dataset below which gets data fed in every hour. The application finds some symptoms on devices based on their mode of operation. I was able to create a table with "point_name" on the row column, "time" on the series group. The value is the distinctcount of symptomIDs. The problem is that I would like to change the background color of the cell that shows the number of distinct symptoms for that hour/point_name to a color that represents the device mode. The device modes are also written into the database once every hour along with the various detected symptoms from that device. It is only written once per device per hour. There could be 8 different modes of operation and they are represented with a number from 0 to 7. Based on this number the background should change. How can I do this? Thanks for the help in advance.
Note: point_name for symptom always has the same format: <Device_Name>_symptom
point_name for mode always has the same format: <Device_Name>_mode
Note: Mode of a device could change from hour to hour during day!