Hi All,
I have a Grid and a chart and after running the multi paged report the page breaks are correct, meaning the correct grid data is displaying based on the page break/groups. But the last page only puts the chart on the last page. I need the chart to be grouped like the other pages and included on the page.
I realize you can just put the chart into the tablix, but in my case not sure how I can do this and make it look good. Below is my structure.
(Column Group) <-Repeats
Example Grid Output:
1am 2am 3am 4am 5am etc.
Count 45 23 4 76 12
Because the right column is grouped I cannot create a new row in design and merge the two columns to put the chart into it, it wont allow it. Plus, each page doesn't always have the same amount of columns to I don't want the chart to get squished.
There must be a way to have a chart without putting it in the tablix and still have it grouped and placed on the same page.
Desired Output:
1am 2am 3am 4am 5am etc.
Count 45 23 4 76 12
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- My Chart :) -
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