Dear All,
I have the follwoing code which replace the field in case the field has a value! but when the field has no value i always get an #error, I tried to add this to my code to handel when the field is empty but still i get an error. so when the field have a value the Iif () fuction give me the right answer but when the field has no value I ALWAYS GET AN ERROR
= Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")="","Empty",
Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=0,"Hotel doesnot fit to HRS","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=1,"Does not fit","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=10,"Content issue","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=100,"Commision Level","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=101,"Volume of Bookings","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=102,"Handing of Extranet","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=103,"Room Types do not match with stander in HSA","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=104,"Channel Manager not available","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=105,"Accounting Issues","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=106,"Tax Issues","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=107,"Geo Issues","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=108,"Quality Issues","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=109,"Owner/Manger Change","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=11,"Availability Issue","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=110,"Bankrupcy","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=111,"Hotel does no longer exsit-closing down business","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=112,"Hotel entering chain agreement","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=113,"Hotel resiging from chain agreement","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=114,"Change of CRS","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=115,"Change of GDS","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=116,"Insufficient guest data - requires direct contact","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=117,"Feels treated unfair","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=118,"Duplicate","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=12,"Go live check","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=13,"Direct debit/SEPA","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=2,"Unpaid bills","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=3,"Complaints","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=4,"Price","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=5,"Uncooperrative behaviour","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=6,"No Go","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=7,"Technical error","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=8,"Wrong close dates","")
+ Iif (First(Fields!Reason_Code.Value, "Customer")=9,"Contract ambiguous","")
what Iam doing wrong :(