Hi ALL ,
I am working on a matrix based report . The Data set contains the following column .
Year,Month ,Type,Customer,Amount
The matrix report in dev looks like below
Column 2 expression work fine that is : =MonthName(Fields!month.Value) &"-"& Fields!year.Value
Column 3 expression = =IIF(Previous(Fields!month.Value) is nothing,"",MonthName(IIF(Previous(Fields!month.Value) is nothing,1,Previous(Fields!month.Value)))&" - "&MonthName(Fields!month.Value)&" "& Fields!year.Value)
i get the below error
the value expression for the textbox has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function . The string parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group
Kindly advice .
Thanks & Regards