Hi ALL ,
I have developed using the development procedure from Simon_Hou and it works perfectly fine . Thank you Simon_Hou
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/842e2dcb-d949-4297-9d91-eac989692cb5/difference-between-the-grouped-column?forum=sqlreportingservices .
Now then the requirement was to add Total to the developed report that's also solved.
Now an issue is there extra column that get's generated dynamically ... For that i tried
=IIF(ReportItems!Textbox2.value is nothing, true, false . The expression does work but the
Total row cells values get repositioned to one cell to the right from it's original position .
Now am fine with the extra empty column only issue if the tablix contain only a single row or two rows of Data then that empty column shows numeric data which is not required. Please refer to the below figure for clarity . I just want that the
extra column is blank its doesn't show extra numeric data on a single or 2 rows or if it can be hidden without affecting the original position of the total cell .
please kindly help because just due to this the reports are not going for production deployment .