i try to build a report based on a stored procedure.
Query returns data like:
The Matrix should show data per EmplID and FOSGRP (Rows) and per BaseType Column.
But the matrix shows data like this (eLearning and ILT are different Basetypes). Rows and Columns are correct but not the values, the are completly wrong, as you can see in the image above.
Matrix shows data like this:
The correct Totals should be eLearning = 11.01, ILT = 12. Where are the wrong Values come from?
Total on FOSGRP.
The matrix contains 2 rowgrouping 1. per Emplid, 2. per FOSGRP and 1 Column Group per BaseType (contains elearning/ILT).
I tried out as well with a table object and it shows as well wrong numbers.
Whats going wrong here? Wy is SSRS doing calculations on the detail data?
The RawData returned from the query works fine in Excel Pivot, its doing the correct Totals
Thank you for any idea and help