I have a very basic MDX statement which contains a FILTER statement:
WITH SET [Selected Discipline] AS STRTOSET(@Disciplines, CONSTRAINED) SET [Selected Department] AS STRTOSET(@Departments, CONSTRAINED) SET [Selected Departments] AS IIF(@Disciplines = @Departments, FILTER( DESCENDANTS([Selected Discipline], [Employee].[DISC - DEPT - EMP].[Department], AFTER), NOT INSTR([Employee].[DISC - DEPT - EMP].CurrentMember.UNIQUE_NAME, "Freelance")), DESCENDANTS([Selected Department], [Employee].[DISC - DEPT - EMP].[Department], AFTER)) SET [TTM] AS { LastPeriods(12, StrToMember(@SelectedMonth, CONSTRAINED)) } SELECT { [Measures].[Employee Hours], [Measures].[Employee Hours %] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN( [Selected Departments], [Employee].[Employee Bill Rate].[Employee Bill Rate].ALLMEMBERS, [Employee].[Employee Level].[Employee Level].ALLMEMBERS, [TTM]) , FILTER ([Employee].[Manager Name].[Manager Name].Members , NOT InStr([Employee].[Manager Name].CurrentMember.MEMBER_NAME, "O-Tern")) DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM [OLSON BI] WHERE ( [Employee Hours Time Category].[Time Category].&[Client Facing], [Employee Hours Time Category].[Utilization Category].&[PRODUCTION]) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT
When running the query, I get the "Failed to parse the query to detect if it is mdx or dmx".
THe qqy=uery is basic enough, but for the life of me can't figure out what is wrong????
Any suggestions woud be greatly appreciated!!
A. M. Robinson