I have the below IIF statement in SSRS report based on a sharepoint list. However I get #Error only on certain lines
For example when Item_Name = P001-P384D630Z01
I am sort of stunned at this point. All the other lines work except the one with above item name. If I remove the MF5 Mod Center part of the iif then everything works.
Iif((mid(Fields!Item_Name.Value,8,1)= 3 OR mid(Fields!Item_Name.Value),8,1)=4) AND LEFT(TRIM(Fields!Project_No.Value),1) =8, "MF5 Mod Center",
Iif(Left(Fields!Project_No.Value,1)="3","HOU MOD",
Iif(Left(Fields!Item_Name.Value,3) = "RDC","RDC",
Iif(Left(Fields!Item_Name.Value,4) = "P001","Overseas",
Iif(IsNothing(Fields!Engineering_Status.Value), "Pre-engineering",
Iif(Fields!Engineering_Status.Value="P.C. Finished", "Production",