I'm building an ssrs report with this MDX query:
SELECT NON EMPTY { ([KeyWords Dim].[Keywords].[Keyword].ALLMEMBERS *
[Ad Dim].[Countries].[Countries].ALLMEMBERS *
[Creative Dim].[Creatives].[Title].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS,
[Measures].[Clicks] ON COLUMNS
FROM [CubeName]
WHERE ([Time Dim].[Day ID].&[20140701]:[Time Dim].[Day ID].&[20140701])
I want to add another where clause to get only result for specific countries, something like that:
Where [Getways Dim].[Countries].[Countries].ALLMEMBERS IN ([Getways Dim].[Country].[Countries].&["Germany"],[Getways Dim].[Country].[Countries].&["US"]...)
How to do the "IN" part?
(Eventually i want to show the countries to be multi-value parameter which i already created)