I have developed a report that is intended to be exported to Word and then edited further. We have found that some of the data we report on contains very long hyperlinks--upwards of 400 characters. When we export the data to Word 2010, Word is not wrapping the columns properly. Instead, it tries to fit the whole hyperlink in, which of course increases the column to be very very large, and not fit on the paper (and screw up the rest of the table format).
Are there any suggestions on how to fix this? There is no need to actually display the URLs in the report, but they are embedded in the source data and we can't remove them from that.
A couple options I've thought of, but have no idea how to do, is to a) insert a breaking space every X characters of any string that is more than say 10 characters in length, b) strip out any continuous string that begins with <a href:>, or c) force Word to not increase column width.
Thanks for any suggestions!