I am trying to SUM values form pay column based on nature column in RDLC report
the database table are like:
Nature pay
(nvarchar(50)) decimal(18, 2)
ADHOC 500.00
ADHOC 500.00
I Just want to SUM the values based on nature column
Like if i want the total of PERMANENT then it must show 2000.00
and it i want the total of ADHOC the it must show 1000.00
Firstly i tried this EXPRESSION
=IIF(First(Fields!nature.Value, "DataSet1") = "PERMANENT","",SUM(CINT(Fields!pay.Value)))
But it Summing up all the values.
Then i also tried this EXPRESSION
=Sum(CINT(IIF(Fields!nature.Value = "PERMANENT","",Fields!pay.Value)))
But its giving - #Error
Any Expert can direct me in the right direction...............?