I have a report that looks something like this. I am only showing two charts but it contains 14 charts very similar to these two:
The queries or datasets behind these charts are pretty much the same. For example:
SELECT CollectionDateTime, CounterName, CounterValue
FROM [CMSRepository].[dbo].[SysDmOsPerformanceCounters]
WHERE CounterName = 'Page life expectancy'
AND ServerName=@ServerName
AND CONVERT(DATE, CollectionDateTime) >= @Start
AND CONVERT(DATE, CollectionDateTime) <= @End;
SELECT CollectionDateTime, CounterName, CounterValue
FROM [CMSRepository].[dbo].[SysDmOsPerformanceCounters]
WHERE CounterName = 'Batch Requests/sec'
AND ServerName=@ServerName
AND CONVERT(DATE, CollectionDateTime) >= @Start
AND CONVERT(DATE, CollectionDateTime) <= @End;
When I run the report it takes about 10 minutes. I don't understand why it is so slow. I tried putting in an index and when I run the query in Studio Management it is faster but not in Report Services. Is there something that I need to change on the report itself or on the installation of Report Services?