Hi All,
I have a matrix style report where the "month" is the column and this expression is the data: round(100*(SUM(Fields!ENROLLED.Value)/SUM(Fields!TOTAL_EMP_COUNT.Value)), 2)
I am trying to create a Trend indicator for the "% Participating" Row that would show either a Red Arrow Down when the last month value is less than the previous month, or a Green Arrow Up when the last month is greater than or equal to the previous month. So in this case, the last month being 10-13 and the previous month being 09-13. Im trying to create the proper expression for the indicator, here is what I have (that is not working) :
=round(100*(SUM(Fields!ENROLLED.Value)/SUM(Fields!TOTAL_EMP_COUNT.Value)), 2) - Previous(round(100*(SUM(Fields!ENROLLED.Value)/SUM(Fields!TOTAL_EMP_COUNT.Value)), 2))
Since the Sept (09-13) value of 92.81 is greater than the last month, which is Oct (10-13) of 92.18 then the Red indicator icon should show up. Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks in Advance,
M Collier