Hi Everybody i´m trying to do this with a Matrix
I want the running value of the product quantity for each month of a year, resetting the running value
when a new year is reached .
I have 2 column groups "Year" and as it´s child group "Month".
2009 2010
January Febrary March January February March
Toolbelt 10 15 20 1 10 50
Well that is the idea...
In the field of the quantity i´m using an expression like this = RunningValue(Fields!Quantity.Value, Sum, Nothing) .
With this expression i get the the running value and it´s great, but it does not reset thru the years ,
it continues aggregating the quantity value.
So i tried with this expression assuming if i set the SCOPE to the Year group i can achieve this
= RunningValue(Fields!Quantity.Value, Sum, "Year") ,
But surprise!!, this is not giving me the right aggregation , i´m still dig in it and can´t find what it actually aggregates.
Am I doing something wrong?.
All the help is welcome. Thanks.