Hi all,
I have an urgent requirement for a report... Basically i'm using join(lookupset) to find unique group values which returns a sequence number. This is my function
Join(LookupSet(Fields!itemId.Value & Fields!UseByDate.Value & Fields!rackId.Value
, Fields!itemId.Value & Fields!UseByDate.Value & Fields!rackId.Value
, Fields!CustomerSeqNo.Value
, "PickingList"), ",")
The problem is on some items there are multiple transactions, I want to remove the duplicates. I found a blog http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bobmeyers/archive/2012/06/18/creating-short-lists-using-the-lookupset-function.aspx but could not get SSRS Report Builder to reference linq assembly. My issue is
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as this is holding up a large project...