Please help. I've been spinning my wheels. I would to highlight a field based on the field value, or null value (datetime field) and the value (text field) of another cell. All 3 conditions must be true then highlight datetime cell a color.
Conditions in datetime field to check are:
1.Null value and or the date is < today() ( date is in the past)
Condition for text field: 1.If field "X" = value "Y" then highlight the datetime field "Pink"
This is what I have tried already:
=Switch(IsNothing(Fields!resource_nextdate.Value) AND (Fields!SR_Status.Value = "Scheduled", “Yellow”, IsNothing(Fields!resource_nextdate.Value) AND (Fields!SR_Status.Value = "In Progress", “Red”
=IIF((Fields!resource_nextdate.Value < today() AND (Fields!SR_Status.Value.Value="New" OR Fields!SR_Status.Value.Value="Scheduled")),"Pink", IIF((Fields!resource_nextdate.Value < today() AND Fields!SR_Status.Value.Value="New"),"Red", "White")) PLEASE HELP.