I have an SSRS report based on a SSAS cube that contains a Date field called Closing_Date.
This field can be null in the database.
The purpose is to convert the DateTime into a Date field respecting the user's locale
This expresion returns a blank for empty dates and a DateTime (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) for non empty dates
This expression returns OK for non empty dates and NOK for empty dates
=IIF(Trim(Cstr(Fields!Closing_Date.Value)) <> "","OK","NOK")
However this expression returns an #error for all empty dates. I don't understand because he should just return NOK.
Why would a change in the True part if the IIF give a different result if the date is empty.
=IIF(Trim(Cstr(Fields!Closing_Date.Value)) <> "",FormatDateTime(Fields!Closing_Date.Value,DateFormat.ShortDate),"NOK")
I get this error in the VS.Net Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid
Any Idea's?
PS : Other date fields (that don't contain null's) work correctly and can be converted with FormatDateTime function
Sven Peeters