I am developing an RDL on SSRS 2008 R2 and am trying to make one group display or hidden based on the following visiblity expression for this group:
=iif(ISNOTHING(Fields!test_setup_details_caption.Value)=1, iif(Fields!test_setup_answers_value.Value=0,true,false), false)
And the filter is set as this screenshot:
However, this group is still displaying even though test_setup_details_caption = 0 for "Self Suicidal" in the dataset. I tried changing visibility logic to
=iif(ISNOTHING(Fields!test_setup_details_caption.Value)=1 and Fields!test_setup_answers_value.Value=0,true,false)
but this resulted in an error. What else can I try to get this group to show correctly? I only want non-zero test_setup_details_caption rows and where test_setup_details_caption is not null to appear.
Ryan D