I have a dataset, which is a parameterized stored procedure. It takes campagin_id, number_of_winners (n) and correct_answer for parameters and retrivesn random winning users' data in the following format.
username email question_number answer
The number of questions for different campaigns are different.
When I display the data in a table, all the data is displayed. But I want the data in a format where the question numbers are headers and the answers are displayed in the relevant columns. E.g.
username email answer_for_q1 answer_for_q2 ... answer_for_qn
So I created a matrix as follows (column group on question number):
username email |answer
The problem is, that only part of the data is displayed in the matrix. E.g., if I have a campaign with 8 questions and I want 10 winners, of course I should get 10 rows. I never receive it. Moreover, the number of rows displayed change.
In the table I have all the needed 80 rows (8 questions X 10 users).
Could anyone clear the confusion in my head?