Hello friends
SS2012 (SP1)
I have very simple report that accepts two parameters and display the info about the employee ( one pic and some text). So far so good, now we have a requirement to generate directly to PDF that report and here we have problems. If I specify hardcoded values (picture path and ip address) that works fine but if I try to provide a parameter then the picture of the employee is not displayed. Can anyone shed some light what I am missing here? We declared the image as External that accepts a parameter @Imagepath
Ps. We tried declare the image as database/ embedded and provide parameter but that did not work as well.
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005
PrivateSub CreatePdfFile()
Dim ImagePath As String = ""
Dim Res As New Execution.ReportExecutionService
DimCurEmpId as string ="14154"
Dim ReportPath AsString = "/EmpAssessment/EmpAssesment"
Dim Params(1) As Execution.ParameterValue
FilePath ="C:\EmpAss\"& CurEmpId & ".PDF"
ImagePath ="\\servename\Pictures\"& CurEmpId &".jpg"
ImagePath ="\\servername\Pictures\Empty.jpg"
Catch ex As Exception
Dim FileImage As String = "file:"& ImagePath
Dim p(1) As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter
Dim Format_ As String = "PDF"
Dim DevInfo As String = Nothing
Dim Extension As String = Nothing
Dim MimeType As String = Nothing
Dim Encoding As String = Nothing
Dim Warnings() As Execution.Warning =Nothing
Dim StremIds() AsString = Nothing
Dim Result() As Byte = Nothing
Res.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
Res.Url ="http://ssrsserver/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl"
Params(0) =New Execution.ParameterValue
Params(0).Name ="ImagePath"
Params(0).Value = FileImage
Params(1) =New Execution.ParameterValue
Params(1).Name ="Ip"
Params(1).Value = IP_ADD
Result = Res.Render(Format_, DevInfo, Extension, MimeType, Encoding, Warnings, StremIds)
IO.File.WriteAllBytes(FilePath, Result)
Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,http://sqlblog.com/blogs/uri_dimant/
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