I have a tablix with a parent group and a detail group. The parent is the vendor and the detail lists all my open PO's with each vendor. I am getting the report to do a page break for each vendor. I would like to show vendor specific information - name, address, email, ect. for the vendor and then show the detail lines below. I would like the detail lines to have a different set of column headings.
Vendor# Name Addr email
A1234 Bill's Bolts 123 4th street bill@bill.com Bill
PO# Part # Description Order Date Due Date Confirmed
1 Nut 3/8" 3-32 01/01/2106
01/12/2016 yes
2 Bolt 3/32
01/01/2016 01/14/2016 no
...page break...
Vendor# Name Addr email contact
A456 Ted's Tires 123 6th street ted@tired.com Al
PO# Part # Description Order Date Due Date Confirmed
Is this doable in SSRS?