Hello.I have a Main Report / Sub Report setup passing a multivalue parameter.
Here is an overview: There are five parameters in this Main report:
@BegDate - date/time
@EndDate - date/time
@BegRoute - int
@EndRoute - int
@PickTick - int (multivalue)
Each report has a carbon copy of the parameters and only one of these parameters is multivalue (PickTick). Under the Subreport Properties/Parameters, is set up as follows:
Name Value Set Expression
BegDate [@BegDate] =Parameters!BegDate.Value
EndDate [@EndDate] =Parameters!EndDate.Value
BegRoute [@BegRoute] =Parameters!BegRoute.Value
EndRoute [@EndRoute] =Parameters!EndRoute.Value
PickTick [@PickTick] =Parameters!PickTick.Value
When I run the Main Report (in this example, I'm using 3 values for the parameter Ticket), it appears to pull up pages reflective of my three choices. Great! However, I see the same three pages of subreports accompanying each individual page from the Main Report. Not Great! Obviously there should only be one sub report per main report.
Some additional information: When I run the Sub Report by itself with the same multiple choices for the parameter Ticket I see three reports. Basically it looks good.
Also, my where clause in my stored procedure is set up as follows:
Where...and n.pick_ticket_no in (SELECT * FROM dba_parseString_udf(@PickTick, ','))
So it appears that the parameters are passing just fine. However, I was expecting the Ticket parameter to match up on a one-to-one basis. For some reason, the subreports are just duplicating on the Main Report selection. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
Any idea of what may be causing these additional SubReports showing up in each and every Main Report?