I've got two datasets - let's say one is registration documents, which includes a location code; the other is a list of locations, which includes a renewal frequency:
Dataset 1:
User Name Date Filed Location Code
Dataset 2:
Location Code Location Name Months Renewal Needed
Given a report based on Dataset 1, I want to show all the records where the filing has expired (based on date filed, and how many months a filing is good for in this location). Is this doable? Every approach I use either doesn't work, or is disallowed by Reporting Services (lookup not allowed in calculated field, for example)
Also - these values CANNOT BE JOINED AT THE SOURCE. The problem has to be solved in the report, if possible.
Philo Janus, MCP Author: Pro InfoPath 2007 Pro PerformancePoint 2007 Pro SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 Building Integrated Business Intelligence Solutions with SQL Server 2008 R2 & Office 2010 Blog @ http://philo.typepad.com/with-all-due-respect/