I am having a problem with determining a workaround to this failing indicator. I have two datasets or queries. The first has detail oforders that is used for numerous chart and the second is a grand total ofinventory. I would like to have an red/green/light based on the following
The existing formula is in a table which is just one row of data displaying the total of the first dataset1
=(( Fields!ID.Value, "dataset2") - CountDistinct(Fields!Key.Value)) / (Fields!ID.Value, "dataset2")
When I tried to use this working formula on the indicator, it fails. I am assuming due to a scoping issue here is the messageAn unexpected error occurred in Report Processing. ---> System.Exception: For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Then attempt using a lookup and it fails because I am unable to use COUNT(DISTINCT...) on a lookup functions.
I just think that it is a waste to have query the data in dataset1 again with no details..
could anyone think of a good workaround ...
thank you for your helpLrsteelers