I am having a huge problem with some phantom lines appearing in the stack charts with line graph for the "GAIN" field when there should be one line as its being summed.
select DESCRIPTION as des, month(EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi) as
MonthNo, datename(MM,EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi) [MonthName],
year(EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi) as [Year],
case when status = 5 then 1 end as [GAIN],
case when status = 14 then 1 end as [LOSS],
from ##workArea
where EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi >= '2016-01-01'
I have used runningvalue(Fields!GAIN.Value,sum,"Chart1_SeriesGroup")
I have also used the category, nothing, DataSet1 , i have exhausted everything , can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here. the 3 lines that appear instead of 1 appear to be the sum of the running total but no idea why they are split into three lines.