SSRS report has a 'textbox' with expression(shown below) inside the report body and inside a 'List'. Note that the fields are not part
of any tables. These values are hardcoded in the expression.
=IIF(Fields!contact_list.Value="25",(IIF(Fields!Category.Value="college","Two-year Colleges", "System") ),IIF(Fields!contact_list.Value="71","System Continuing Offices",(IIF(Fields!contact_list.Value="51","Free Colleges and Universities", "Unknown Pool"))))
I need to remove the repeating rows which is coming from the above expression. Example: Currently,
**System** Sub Header 1 Name1 Phone1 **System** Sub Header 2 Name2 Phone2 **System** Sub Header 3 Name3 Phone3 **Two-year Colleges** Sub Header 7 Name7 Phone7 **Two-year Colleges** Sub Header 8 Name8 Phone8
Expected result:
**System** Sub Header 1 Name1 Phone1 Sub Header 2 Name2 Phone2 Sub Header 3 Name3 Phone3 **Two-year Colleges** Sub Header 7 Name7 Phone7 Sub Header 8 Name8 Phone8
How do I avoid not displaying the repeated rows?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.