I have a report that has a few Cascading Parameters.
The first parameter is the Calendar Type. This will be Weekly or Monthly. A Calendar Type will then have Financial Years and Financial Periods attached.
So Weekly has Years - Weekly2016 (could also have Weekly2017). So in the example below if I just select Weekly CalendarType, I will only see the Years linked to Weekly and not the Monthly and when I select the Financial Year Weekly2016, only the Financial Periods for that Year will show.
I have set the Calendar Type to default to have both Weekly and Monthly selected.
The difficulty I am having is setting the Financial Year and Financial Period as a default.
Included in the datasets for both Financial Year and Financial Period, are the Description (which the parameter presents to the end user) but also a Start and End Date. What I want the Default value is to look at these start and end dates and todays date and work out that it needs to set the following defaults if I ran it today 28/07/2016 -
Financial Year - Weekly2016 (as today is 28/07/2016 and the Start date is 01/04/2016 and End Date 31/03/2017, the report run date falls in between those start and end dates)
Also Monthly2016 would be defaulted.
Financial Period would work in the same way as it also has has a start and end date. Period Weekly201617 would be what I expect to be defaulted as the start date is 25/07/16 and the End date is 31/07/16.
If I were to run the report next week the Year would be the same, but the period would have moved onto Weekly201618.