I have a indicator which turns green when all conditions outlined below are met else turns yellow.
All my datasets datatypes are strings but even then I keep getting a warning message-
"input string was not in a correct format "
When removed one by one case I figured out which case(highlighted below) was causing the problem but right now I dont know what I have to do fix the warning which I am getting
AND SUM(IIF(lcase(Fields!test1.Value)="urgency",1,0))=1
Indicator expression
SUM(IIf(left(lcase(Fields!test1.Value),5)="r" AND (TRIM(Fields!id.Value)<>"9") AND (TRIM(Fields!id.Value)<>"8") ,1,0)) +SUM(IIF(Fields!id.Value="9" or Fields!id.Value="8",1,0))>=1 and
AND SUM(IIF(lcase(Fields!test2.Value)="g",1,0))>=1
AND SUM(IIF(lcase(Fields!test1.Value)="urgency",1,0))=1
AND SUM(IIf(left(lcase(Fields!test1.Value),5)="r" AND (TRIM(Fields!id.Value)<>"9") AND (TRIM(Fields!id.Value)<>"8") ,1,0))
+sum(IIF(Fields!id.Value="9" or Fields!id.Value="8",1,0))>=3