I've created a hyperlink in a report. The hyperlink action is 'Jump to URL' The URL is http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=####&InvoiceLevel=1
The hyperlink works just fine in the designer, it's value becomes http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=%23%%23%%23%%23&InvoiceLevel=1, however when I run from the web the report's URL is not properly URL encoded. It's value is http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=#%23%23%23&InvoiceLevel=1 which is incorrect since the browser now treats the # as a hash.
I've tried explicitly URL Encoding the #### in the function but the report returns an error. "http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(####) + "&InvoiceLevel=1"
I've created a hyperlink in a report. The hyperlink action is 'Jump to URL' The URL is http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=####&InvoiceLevel=1
The hyperlink works just fine in the designer, it's value becomes http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=%23%%23%%23%%23&InvoiceLevel=1, however when I run from the web the report's URL is not properly URL encoded. It's value is http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=#%23%23%23&InvoiceLevel=1 which is incorrect since the browser now treats the # as a hash.
I've tried explicitly URL Encoding the #### in the function but the report returns an error. "http://ServerName/SomePage.aspx?AccountCode=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(####) + "&InvoiceLevel=1"
I've tried it in RS2000 & RS2005, same results.