I've been testing the new Report Manger (Reports_Preview) and have noticed what I believe are some anomalies with the security settings. Please bare with me as I don't have a great deal of experience with SSRS.
First, the builtin Browser Role is not sufficient to allow access to the new 'Mobile Reports'. In my testing I have found the following Tasks the bare minimum (I created custom Roles each with only one Task to test to the lowest level of granularity):
Home: Manage Reports Only
Data Sources: None
Datasets: Consume Reports, View Reports Only
Reports (Directory in which Mobile Reports reside): View Resources Only
In my view there seems to be a lack of clarity as to what a Mobile Report is classed as, is it either a Report or a Resource?
It appears to require the View and Consume Reports Tasks to access the datasets but will only appear if View Resources is granted.
More importantly, however, it seems that (after a non exhaustive test) the Manage Reports Task is required in the Home directory; I presume this isn't the intended result, is it?
Lastly, I have a few questions:
1) Is anybody else able to reproduce the security anomalies mentioned above?
2) Can somebody please explain what, if anything I've done wrong?
3) If I haven't and assuming the current requirements are not correct, what are the indented security settings?
4) Are there going to be new builtin Roles and or Tasks specifically for Mobile Reports?
Many thanks,