Please read this entire post before commenting. I have been trying to get some kind of acknowledgement from Microsoft on this problem in other posts but finally just needed to make this known. Mobile Report Publisher cannot connect to parameterized datasets if it's connected to an SSAS Tabular Model.
I keep getting half responses like "update to latest mobile reports publisher" or "specify a default parameter" but I'm telling you, the functionality is broken!
I have a dataset that is connected to an SSAS Tabular model. The model works fine in MS Excel or in SQL Report Builder 2014.
I have created a dataset using Report Builder 2016 and added a parameter to it. We need the parameter so the report can be filtered before it is rendered to the client. For now, I am leaving the parmeter blank to fully demonstate the problem
The Operator Name is just a customer name.
When I try and connect the Mobile Report to this dataset, I get the following error:
I then add a default value for the parameter.
I run the query and data is returned in the designer.
When I try to connect Mobile Report Publisher to the Dataset, I now get this error.
MS, can you please explain why this doesn't work. This has to be a bug and a huge one at that!