Hi we run std 2008. I have a text param on a master report that I am hoping to pass to subreports. A subreport's position in the master report relative to the other subreport calls determines which param value should get passed. In fact, the 1st 3 subreports are the same subreport, the param in question should get passed the same "value" and I already know the date param is getting passed correctly in each case. The date param is based on an expression and 3 different values are getting passed correctly to the 3 instances of the subreport.
I made the errant param hidden on the master but continue to get an error that says "The 'XX' parameter is missing a value" when I preview the master.
My other params get passed fine but they are visible. The param in question has values mapped to labels (YES , NO) in both the master and subreport param properties. I've tried every combo of hidden, internal, passing label value, passing mapped value, inside an expression of the form =("XYZ"), explicitly typed instead of an expression etc etc.
Can someone help?