Drill Down is not working after exporting to excel
Hi,I have created a drill down report in SSRS . Its working perfect. But when I export it to excel, it is showing only the expanded nodes. But I want the same functionality which gives user to expand...
View Articlehow to dynamic set the X date series...
Hi,I set the X axis date value interval 1 so it can show as a daily "date", however, the chart is good if the data point is within 24 records. However, when I draw 7 days data (around 168 records), the...
View ArticleSubscriptions throw configuration error.
I have configured my report server in native mode.I set up subscription on one of my reports and Delivery method i configured is 'File share Delivery'.I have not configured email delivery for SSRS....
View ArticleConversion from string "" to type date is not valid
HiFrom my ssas data source I have a datetime field which is in this format 2015-01-02 00:00:00. There are also nulls in this field.I want to change the format to dd/MM/yyyI am using this...
View ArticleParameters question
Hi,I have 2 sets of Data parameters from my Stored Procedure1. Start Date and End Date2. FFY and QTRI am using or statement .How to use OR Statement in SSRS Parameters.Thanks !Naveen
View ArticleIAuthenticationExtension and IDisposable
In looking at the SSRS2012 code, it appears that SSRS2012 does not honor IDisposable on custom IAuthenticationExtension implementations.Has this changed in SSRS2014? thanksscott
View ArticleHow to point PowerView tab to a SSAS cube data source?
Hello,I already have a SSAS cube connection in my excel workbook, and I would like to create a Power View pointing to the same SSAS cube connection. Is that possible? If so, how do I link the PV to...
View ArticleError loading custom extension assembly - "The parameter is incorrect"
SSRS2012 fails to load my custom authentication assembly. I see this error in the logs:extensionfactory!ReportServer_0-2!10d8!01/02/2015-23:34:49:: e ERROR: Exception caught instantiating Forms report...
View ArticleCannot Edit My Data Driven Subscription
"The value provided for the StartDateTime field is not valid for its type. It cannot be converted from a string value to the type that is required. (rsElementTypeMismatch) Get Online HelpHomeI'm a...
View ArticleSet Parameter to pick up previous month and year unless first month of the year
Hi,<o:p></o:p>I have a start and end date set to the same format (CCYYMM) and date.<o:p></o:p>I am running a report each month using the below...
View ArticleUsing DateDiff to work as Excel Networkdays
Hi there, Happy New Year to all. So I am trying to work out the difference between today's date (GETDATE()) and a Target Date in a specific table (targetdate) When I use the DATEDIFF function it is...
View ArticleSSRS string to Date
Hello,Please consider the following expression is SSRS : MID("ID201312",3,6)I am trying to get this to output Dec-2013.Any ideas?Thank you
View ArticleGetting Chart Data To Show Correctly??????????????????
Please assist me to get the year, month, week to date to show like my example doeson the right below. What changes I can make to my query to get it to show as I need it to below. DataSet: SELECT...
View ArticleDisplay Disclaimer message before opening SSRS report
Hello,I have a requirement to display a disclaimer message before going to the content of a particular report.The workflow would be: go to report folder e.g....
View ArticleSSRS2012 forms authentication cookie domain is missing
Switched SSRS2012 to forms authentication:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\web.config..<authentication mode="Forms"><forms...
View ArticleSSRS 2012: Subtract multiple column values from one
Hi All, Scenario: Col1Col2 Col3 Col4 Col55020 2010(To calculate)In my report, I have 5 columns, first 4 have numeric values (BIGINT to be precise). What I need: Col5=Col1-Col2-Col3-Col4 (Ideally Col5...
View Articleproblem in activating SQL Server Report Integration feature after upgrade
Hi,I have a SharePoint 2013 farm recently patched up to October 2014 CU. Before the upgrade, I had installed and configured SSRS 2012 SP 1 (RS in SharePoint integrated mode) to the farm and it was in...
View ArticlePowerView using a Cube with Mining structures ISSUE
Hello, I have a SSAS 2012 cube which has Mining structure. I've tried to create a PowerView report on top of this cube not because I want to use the mining structure but because I want to use the cube...
View ArticleDuplex printing in reporting services
I have been working on this problem for days. I have a report that is grouped and will be printed duplex (front and back). There is a page break after each group. I want to ensure that the start of a...
View ArticleSSRS boolean parameter Yes and NO instead of True and False in prompt area
Hi everyone, I am using SSRS 2008 As i want to have the Yes or No instead of True or false in Radio button Boolean parameter in prompt area. Can any one please suggest me what i need to do i...
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