SSRS - Why back button is working in IE and not working in Chrome?
I created a parent and a child report in SSRS. In child report I have a text box named "Go Back". Added this in: TextBox properties -> Action -> Go TO URL -> javascript:history.go(-1). In...
View ArticlePartition by row data and show the max value row data only
Hi All,Here in my scenario , I have several work order Ids belonging to the product IDs , and each work order has different operational sequences. I want to find the max operation sequence number for...
View Articlers2012 how to change the field a report groups on.
Have a simple matrix report that has columns values on age group values <16, 16-26, 26-65 and 65+these display in incorrect order on I created another group called age order when...
View ArticleExpression Var
HiHow do I write an expression to say "(IF a field is dom air and previous period MINUS if field is dom air and current period)DEVIDED BY if field is dom air and current period " - this is to specify...
View ArticleNumber formatting
Hi There. I am trying to format my figures to 2dp. in SSRSNeed to use the Properties- Number Format.Two examples: -237,418 Should look this-0.24164,420 Should look this 0.16Can someone please help?
View ArticleThe underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
Fala ae galera.tive problemas ao publicar meu primeiro report, exibe o seguinte erro: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.Configurações IIS
View ArticleSSRS Sum product equivilent
Hi There,anyone know the equivalent for SUMProduct in SSRS.Alternatively I am using this formula. But it is showing error. =sum(Fields!TotalFloorArea) + Sum(Fields!Rent.Value)...
View ArticleParameters in SSRS 2016 RC1 Mobile Publisher
It appears that parameters do not work in the SSRS Mobile Publisher app yet. I have published datasets with parameters that work with a traditional 2016 report. But when I try to build a new Mobile...
View ArticleAn error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Hello all,I'm using Sqlserver 2008 R2 Developer edition and i've created the small report and it is working in my computer , when I'm browsing form another computer it is not working for another user...
View ArticleError when using the Oracle Connection [data types]
Hi,I am creating SSRS reports connecting to Oracle View. In select statement below is the only computation I have,Oracle Query -Select ...DB Name."View Name"."Table 1|| ' ' || DB Name."View...
View ArticleSQL 2016 SSRS can't connect to Oracle 11g
I have installed a SSRS 2016 running side-by-side with a n SSRS 2014. All reports on SSRS 2014 connect to an Oracle datasource without any problem. The same reports don't run in SSRS 2016. SQL 2016 RC3...
View ArticleHide Data Point on SSRS Chart
I am using SSRS 2008 R2. I have a chart where the values are gallons of fuel, category groups are Months, and Series Groups are Years. I want to hide the current month of the current year only when the...
View ArticleDisplay value in hh:mm time format in SSRS Report
Hi Everybody,I have an SSRS report where one of the column is sum of time values. When I do the summation, the values are coming in this format. In the last column the minute value is getting displayed...
View ArticleTablix is tied to a dataset which sources data from sql db and xml source |...
I have a tablix on ssrs report which is mapped to a SQL dataset in the report The tablix has 4 columns and out of which 3 columns are mapped to SQL dataset and 1 mapped to xml data Note I use the...
View ArticleReport Builder 3.0 - Inserted items would not show in normal layout , but yes...
HiThis is the report:Clicking the RUN icon or F5 opens the report in Normal layout with empty display:When I change from normal Layout to Print layout the inserted Sparkline appears.Also, Starting...
View ArticleHow to sum expression at higher group level
I spent hours figuring this out without coming to a solution. How can I sum the totals at Group 1 (G1) at a higher group level (G2)?anyone can point me to the right direction? The values in the first...
View ArticleSSRS with Teradata
Hi,I'm trying to create SSRS report with report builder, connected to teradata DB with .NET provider.There any way to use more than one parameter in a query?Thanks,Elazar
View ArticleSSRS 2016 Power BI android app doesn't render correctly
Hi there,I am using SQL Server 2016 RC2 on an Azure VM, SSRS, and mobile reports.I have created several mobile reports and tested them on my Windows 7 PC, IPad, and Android.About the time RC3 was...
View ArticleDisplay Sum of time in HH:MM format in SSRS 2008
I have a Dataset with values and displaying total_service_time in HH:MM format from my queryQuery : (SELECT CAST(total / 60 AS varchar(8)) + ':' + CAST(total % 60 AS varchar(2)) AS Expr1 FROM...
View ArticleSQL 2005 - Report Manager URL - page cannot be displayed - works fine at SQL...
*SQL Server 2005 SP4 *Reporting Services running under NetworkService. Would like to keep this account. *Users from their clients, cannot access Report Manager URL http://<sql server>/reports...
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