How to get LastWeek Friday to Thursday in SSRS report?
Hi guys,i have a requirement to show last week Friday to Thursday, in my report i have TimeFrame Parameter and i have a Date Covered text box in report table, when i select LastWeek value in TimeFrame...
View ArticleHow do you write an expression where you want to count the number of rows...
This expression works:=Count(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.IIF(Fields!Report_Number.Value Like "XYZ*",1,Nothing))But I want to add a condition that says IIF(Fields!Responsible_Organization =...
View ArticlePassing value to parameters from Query string
Hi All, I am not able to pass value to report parameter's from query string using below...
View ArticleDisplay Page Numbers as in TextBooks in SSRS 2012
Hi,How do I display Page Numbers as we have it in some of the Text Books. Example: Page '1' should be towards right side of the first page, Page '2' should be towards left side of the 2nd page.Again,...
View ArticleError when trying to creat project in VS 2012, Business Intelligence...
I have looked through the forums and none seem to be about getting the Error: "Operation is not valid due to current state of the object" when I try to create a project using VS 2012, Business...
View ArticleHow to switch a circle indicator to green or yellow using the following dataset
test.Valuewhen count(test.Value)="r" then green indicator when count(test.Value)="mo" then green indicator else yellow indicator =Switch(count(lcase(Fields!test.Value)="r")>1,1...
View ArticleFilter or column group
Hi allStruggling to display some data how I would like and was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible?The dataset has various JobTypes that have a SUM figure for 3 years, each client can have...
View ArticleSSRS Advanced Parameters
For this project, it is required to add four parameters.When I added the query, the "Define Query Parameters" dialog box popped up.How can I define the parameter?
View ArticleCheckbox
Hi,I've a requirement to create a SSRS report which should have other drill through reportIt should work like this .. 1:-Based on the selected parameters users can see various departments plus the...
View ArticleSQL Server Reporting Service 2008 R2-ERROR: Failed to create HttpRuntime...
Our reports suddenly down several days ago,so we reinstalled the SSRS but still not work.1.We can't open http:\\servername\reportserver or http:\\servername\report,it will return a HTTP 500 Internal...
View ArticleRetrieving sums from dataset
I'm trying to calculate a Deposit to Loan Ratio with data from separate datasets. For the deposit (top) number I'm using this Lookup expression:(Lookup(Fields!Date.Value, Fields!Date.Value,...
View ArticleFailed to evaluate the FilterValue of the Chart
I have one report which has multiple charts and I have to make it dynamic.Scenario is I have to pass chart name which I have to show using multiple parameters. If I will select one parameter it will...
View ArticleError deploy Reporting Services
SeverityCodeDescriptionProjectFileLine Error[rsInvalidReportDefinition] The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. The report definition may have...
View Article[SSRS 2016] What is in store for the .net "Local Mode"
I have a lot of projects that use the rdlc type of reports to be rendered in local mode. I've installed the new Data Tools for Visual Studio 2015 Preview but I can't get ReportViewer new version or a...
View ArticleMicrosoft Power BI on-premises
Is there Microsoft Power BI pro on-premises? or only cloud-based.
View ArticleReport Server Windows service 'ReportServer' is not running - Error Help...
Hi, I need help in Starting Reporting Service, have problem in Starting My Reporting Server.Below i have provided details of what i did,please help me. 1) First i tried to run My Reports in my...
View Articlessrs 2008: csv export keeps putting quote qualifier around my fields
intended output of csv and how it appears in report preview:"abc","123"actual output of csv:""abc"",""123""csv render settings used:<Extension Name="CSVNOHEADERNOQUALIFER"...
View ArticleDatazen Publisher "Sample Data" - will that be coming to Mobile Report...
When Microsoft bought Datazen about a year ago, the "Datazen Publisher app" came with over a dozen "Sample Dashboards" that we could reverse engineer and see how they were constructed with "Simulated...
View ArticleThe NT service 'ReportServer' could not be started.Error code 0x84B20001.
Hi All ,I am trying to install SSRS 2008 R2 Enterprise Addition ,the installation goes fine and the services start up but once i install the SP2 then the service don't come up and throws me the...
View ArticleChart ?
Can a chart be converted to an image? JPG? Can a chart be put inside a table or matrix column?LISA86
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