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Creating Multiple-Column Reports, do not want id new column next . want id 2 new page next


Report Design >>>



How to do SUM of Average in subtotal cell for the entire matrix




I have a matrix as shown below:


Head Count


I am having trouble figuring out how to ADD the "Average" column to get the 81.50 (red). I tried SUM(AVG(Fields!....)) but it didn't work.


Any help is appreacited!





Use ReportItems! to sum all textboxes in a tablix

Is it possible to use the built-in ReportItems collection to sum up all the values in a particular column in a tablix? For example, I have a textbox called "Balance" that appears for every row in a tablix and I'm trying to sum them all up using
but when I do I get an error:
The value expression for the textrun 'Balance1.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0] uses an aggregate function on a report item.

By the way, using:
isn't an option because I am applying an additional business rule within the report which may or may not change the value in the 'Balance' field, hence why I want to access the value of the textbox after that business rule has been applied.

Can anyone help me out?

http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jamie_thomson/ | http://jamiethomson.spaces.live.com/ | @jamiet

Deployment automation for Mobile Reports (SSRS 2016)



We have a project that will require us to automate the deployment of Data Sources, Datasets and Mobile Reports to an SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 instance. I've found several examples of how to do this kind of thing for rdl reports (running an rss script through rs.exe), but nothing specifically about Mobile Reports.

I've created some Mobile Reports using the Publisher tool on a local instance of SSRS 2016. I can see in the ReportServer db Catalog table that they appear with a Type of 12 (with several child items). I wrote a simple script to ListItemTypes() and ran it against the Mgmt2010 endpoint (the latest one listed in the Web Service Reference) and it returned a list of 11 values (Unknown, Folder, Report, Resource, LinkedReport, DataSource, Model, Site, DataSet, Component, RdlxReport). There doesn't seem to be anything specific to Mobile Reports (and the CreateCatalogItem web service method will need the appropriate item type).

So my question is, can the deployment of Mobile Reports be automated? If so, how?

Thanks, Nick.

SSRS connecting to multiple instances with ReportServer DB?


Sorry for the noob question. I want to know if I can connect an SSRS instance to multiple SQL instances. EG:

SSRSserverA with an SSRS instance installed is configured to connect to SQLServerA's SQL instance's ReportServer DB.

I want to connect SSRSserverA to a ReportServer DB on SQLServerB.

Can I configure the same SSRSserverA instance to read from both  SQLServerA's and SQLServerB's ReportServer's DB?

Or do I need to create a new SSRS instance on SSRSserverA and configure connection to SQLServerB?



SSRS is not subtracting negative numbers, it adds them.



Customer   Name    Balance Due
1001    Bob      100.99
1002    Jim      10.95
1003    Kim      -12.67
1004    Lisa      13.23
    Total        $137.84
It should be like this:

Customer   Name    Balance Due
1001    Bob      100.99
1002    Jim      10.95
1003    Kim      -12.67
1004    Lisa      13.23
    Total        112.5

How can I get SSRS to add and subtracted numbers.

SSRS parenthesis around negative values

Group, Still new to SSRS and expressions... however, this should be an easy one I would think. I have a column that is formated as a percent.  Some values are negative -.56% .  All I want to do is put () around anything that comes up negative (.56%).  I guess that is the accounting format for negatives.

I tried =iif(Fields!PercentValue.Value <0, "("+Fields!PercentValue.Value+")")

maybe something with =format(

Thanks in advance for assistance.

ssrs 2008 make parameter optional?


In an SSRS 2008 report, there are parameters for next school year and another parameter for current school year. The problem is there is no data for the next school year in the database until Feb. 2017. Thus the next school year parameter does not load with data and the popup message for the report says 'please enter a value for the parameter 'Calendar - upcoming year'. The parameter can not be blank'.

Thus can you tell me if one of the following options would work, how I can accomplish that task using ssrs?

1. Based upon today's date, can I make the parameter 'Calendar - upcoming year' optional? if so, how would I complete that task?

2. Should I create another parameter and have it select what calendar to pick (upcoming or current year)?

If so, how would I complete that task?

If my suggestions do not work, what would you do to solve my problem and how would be complete your method using ssrs 2008?

Unable to connect to the Report Server

Win/7 Professional
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

Report Services Configuration Manager

When I launch it, shows correct Server Name, but report server instance is blank. When I press FIND I get:

"Unable to connect to the Report Server <machine name>"

This is my development workstation, so no IIS installed. Seems to work fine on XP. SSMS works fine - no issues.

I tried uninstalling SQL Server completely, rebooting, reinstalling a fresh download. Same result. I've googled every article I can find - nothing.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

T-SQL LIKE Expression as SSRS Perameter value?


Trying to figure out how to replace a WHERE x LIKE "y" clause in a recordsource with a parameter.

Instead of switching various WHERE statements around, such as WHERE ac.number LIKE 'R% [EL][IR]-%'
WHERE ac.number LIKE 'R% EI-%' ,
I would like to replace them with WHEREac.NumberLIKE@revenueSource and then set the possible values of @revenueSource to strings like 'R% EI-%' or 'R% [EL][IR]-%'.

The problem is how to express  'parameter choices like R% EI-%' or 'R% [EL][IR]-%' in a format that SSRS will accept as a valid parameter value. Any advice?



Remove Server Name From ReportServer Folder


In SSRS 2012, I have links to my reports which display on a page at the folder level. On this page, several things are displayed which the users have no business seeing:  1) Server name and domain followed by "/ReportServer" and corresponding folder names in bold as page header;  2) Date and time stamps next to each report name;  3) Sql Server Version info

For example, my report links to a page that I want to display to end users in a production environment. I only want to display the links to the actual reports, however many, without all the sensitive details noted above. To achieve this, can I:

1) modify a stylesheet

2) modify the link, e.g. /ReportServer/%2fCPI&rs:Command=ListChildren

3) modify security settings

Thanks in advance

SSRS report repeats headers in PDF in subsequent pages but repeat headers in MSword rendering doesnt work


If we set the repeat headers in SSRS by following instructions it works in PDF but not in WORD 2010 .doc format


SSRS report  repeats headers in PDF in subsequent pages but repeat headers in MSword rendering doesnt work.

Is this a Microsoft bug ?



"undocumented error" when adding 3rd parent level to matrix -


For SQL 2016 RTM, in both Report Builder and Report Designer, I can add a matrix using the wizard that has 3 levels on each axis. Product into Subcategory into Category on Rows and City into State into Country on Columns with Sales Amount in the data section. If I try to do this from scratch in a blank report, when I add the 3rd group (Category - in the example above), I get "Undocumented error." In the details it states "The RDL structure of the tablix named 'Tablix1' is invalid. I tried it on 2 different computers. Also, I created one successfully with the wizard, deleted the Category group and received the same exact error when I tried to put it back in.

I opened a Connect item for this, but that may take a while and I need to know now if this is just me, a new "Feature" in SQL 2016, or something else.

I'm trying to recreate a report that I used for a demonstration in 2008R2, 2012, and 2014 and I never had this problem before.

Query I used for one of my datasets: SELECT DimGeography.City, DimGeography.StateProvinceName, DimGeography.EnglishCountryRegionName, DimProduct.EnglishProductName AS Product, DimProductCategory.EnglishProductCategoryName AS Category, DimProductSubcategory.EnglishProductSubcategoryName AS Subcategory, FactInternetSales.SalesAmount FROM DimProductSubcategory INNER JOIN DimProduct ON DimProductSubcategory.ProductSubcategoryKey = DimProduct.ProductSubcategoryKey INNER JOIN DimProductCategory ON DimProductSubcategory.ProductCategoryKey = DimProductCategory.ProductCategoryKey INNER JOIN FactInternetSales ON DimProduct.ProductKey = FactInternetSales.ProductKey INNER JOIN DimCustomer INNER JOIN DimGeography ON DimCustomer.GeographyKey = DimGeography.GeographyKey ON FactInternetSales.CustomerKey = DimCustomer.CustomerKey

Ann Weber

Tablix help please!


I am currently using SSRS 2008R2. This is the script I am using:



  DATENAME(M, a.Date)asMonth,


  DATEPART(YYYY, a.Date)as YearNum,

  DATEPART(M, a.Date)as MonthNum,

  COUNT(*) as [Total]


  FROM Database1.Table1as a

  WHERE a.name='active'


  GROUPBY a.name,DATENAME(month, a.Date),

  DATENAME(year, a.Date),DATEPART(YYYY, a.date),DATEPART(M, a.date)

  ORDERBYMonth desc;

I have created a Tablix that has the name of the product as the row group and the month as the column group. This works fine in that it gives a monthly count, but I would also like to see the monthly count expressed as a %.

My question is, how do I create another group in the Tablix so that the monthly % figure appears by each product?

From this, I would like to create a column chart that displays monthly % totals.

I am getting stuck because I have added a column to the end of my Tablix and have added this expression:

=sum(Fields!Total.Value) / Sum(Fields!Total.Value, "DataSet2") to calculate the %.

This just gives a year to date figure and appears at the end of the Tablix.

Any help much appreciated – thanks!

Cannot add a new Data Source on SSRS 2016 Web Portal



I have installed SQL Server Express 2016 and then upgraded it to Developer Edition. My problem is that I cannot create a new data source on the Web Portal. I get "An error has occurred. Something went wrong. Please try again later" dialog when I click on new - Data Source.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sort report by totals -column


I've created an SSRS report in Report builder and I'm displaying it in SharePoint 2010.

What I would need to do is to sort according to my totals -column.

My report structure is as follows:

The first and column second columns are the ID and the name of a customer. There are over 35.000 consolidated customers in the database.

The third column is the column which I would like my report to be sorted upon. It gives the sum (Amount_EUR) of all different productlines sold to the customer.

The fourth column in this report design model is the product groups sold to that customer. There over twenty of product groups visible when Running the report.

This is what my report looks like when finished(you'd have to scroll a lot to the right if I took the whole of the report so I cut only a part of it to be visible, but I think you'll get the idea):


I tried to add a sorting option from the reports Tablix properties and adding this code as the sorting function:
but I'm getting an error:  "A sort expression for the tablix 'Tablix1' includes an aggregate function.  Aggregate functions cannot be used in data row sort expressions."
Ok, so no aggregate functions aren't allowed to the sort.

If I just put:
=Fields!Amount_EUR.Value and sort by that from Z to A(biggest to largest) it doesn't have any effect. The report is still sorted alphabetically by the ParentID.

I've also tried some other code bits, but they all seem to be saying that I couldn't put an aggregate function into the sort expression....but my Total -column is already calculated with a Sum -function....

So, to my final question;
Is it possible sort my report based on that Total -column? If yes, how is that possible?

EDIT: I'm using SSRS 2008

SSRS 2012 Problem understanding View State Validation steps



***** Note I have put my question on Bold to make it easier****

I am trying to Implement this solution on our systems and need help on how to set it up ?

Pasted from  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc281307.aspx?lc=1033

How to Configure View State Validation
To run a scale-out deployment on an NLB cluster, you must configure view state validation so that users can view interactive HTML reports. You must do this for the report server and for Report Manager.

View state validation is controlled by the ASP.NET. By default, view state validation is enabled and uses the identity of the Web service to perform the validation. However, in an NLB cluster scenario, there are multiple service instances and web service identities that run on different computers. Because the service identity varies for each node, you cannot rely on a single process identity to perform the validation.

To work around this issue, you can generate an arbitrary validation key to support view state validation, and then manually configure each report server node to use the same key. You can use any randomly generated hexadecimal sequence. The validation algorithm (such as SHA1) determines how long the hexadecimal sequence must be.

Generate a validation key and decryption key by using the autogenerate functionality provided by the .NET Framework.(Well, how to generate Validation key using .Net Framework?)In the end, you must have a single <machineKey> entry that you can paste into the Web.config file for each Report Manager instance in the scale-out deployment. 

The following example provides an illustration of the value you must obtain. Do not copy the example into your configuration files; the key values are not valid.

 Copy Code

<machineKey validationKey="123455555" decryptionKey="678999999" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES"/>

Open the Web.config file for Report Manager, and in the <system.web> section paste the <machineKey> element that you generated. By default, the Report Manager Web.config file is located in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportManager\Web.config.

Save the file.

Repeat the previous step for each report server in the scale-out deployment. 

Verify that all Web.Config files in the \Reporting Services\Report Manager folders contain identical <machineKey> elements in the <system.web> Does the key generate using above generates the key with same element ?

Any help on this would be appreciated .

Thank you !


Matrix is causing page break, even though it has plenty of room


Hello - I'm working on a dashboard with several parts. One of these is a matrix. I've shrunk the matrix down so that, even when it renders, it's well within the page size. It's still causing a blank page to render after it, leaving me with a nice page 1, a blank page 2, and a nice page 3. It's driving me nuts...I think it must have something to do with the re-sizing a matrix does, but it's sucking up real estate it doesn't need for the end result. I've tried putting the matrix in a rectangle to help define the area and setting the Page Break-Disabled to True, shrinking up the matrix as much as possible to ensure that it has plenty of room to expand on the existing page...I am fresh out of ideas.

I'd appreciate any tricks to try!

Thank you --


Pass single value or multiple value but return a list of values in SSRS 2008 r2

I have SSRS parameter @VarCode which underdoes a following transformation.


which takes a user provided a list of values and attaches comma(,) to it and passes it filter the query

WHERE (VarCode like '%' + @VarCode+ '%')

so say 

xyz12345 is sample value from the db then  it lists everything which is like xyz12345.

Note: xyz is consitant in the data with different values

Now I have another value in my db(This is the only last case and no other variant available) which has another number appended in it using - like shown below


Now I when I pass xyz12345 this 

It gives all associated value like shown below


But when I pass a list like below it errors



Expected o/p

A.I want to return a list of values when even I pass a single value

B.I want to return a list of values when even I pass multiple values

Something like this is not working

WHERE (VarCode like '%' + @VarCode+ '%') or (VarCode in @VarCode)

Date Picker Not Showing Up when using Chrome



I have a date range parameters in my report, and when viewing it using IE and Firefox ReportViewer, the date picker is there. But when I tried running it using Chrome, the date picker was missing. I tried double click on the date field itself but nothing. My Chrome version is 17.0.963.79 m. I tried allowing the pop-up blocker (as I read somewhere in this forum to try), but still nothing. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks.

Call me Sam. Once a gunners always a gunners

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