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ssrs 2008 report print on separate pages


A ssrs 2008 report currently contains an  image of the school logo, the address of the school and the current date.  Html is being accessed by a ssrs 2008 report server with the data being stored in a varchar(max) column.

Right now 1 letter at a time is being generated and exported to a pdf report that prints on one page. Now the user wants to generate up to 4 letters at the same time with one run of the report. The letter will remain the same. The only difference will be the mailing address of each letter. The user wants each letter to print on separate pages.

I am basically planning on placing up to 4 copies of the html listed below in the varchar(max) column. Thus can you tell me what I can do with the html listed below and/or with the ssrs 2008 report to make the different letters print on separate pages?

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&amp;CUR_DATE.EVAL</p><br /><br /><br /><p></p><p>To the &amp;PAR_NAME.EVAL of &amp;STU_FNAME.EVAL &amp;STU_LNAME.EVAL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &amp;PERMNUM</p><p>&amp;PAR_ADDR.EVAL</p>&amp;PAR_CITY.EVAL, &amp;PAR_STATE.EVAL &amp;PAR_ZIP.EVAL<br /><br /><br /><br />
Dear &amp;PAR_NAME.EVAL and &amp;STU_FNAME.EVAL &amp;STU_LNAME.EVAL:<br /><br /><br />
This letter is to inform you that &amp;STU_FNAME.EVAL has the equivalent of 5 or more unexcused absences this school year.&nbsp; <span style="color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 14px;">We believe student attendance in&nbsp;school is a key component to school success, so it is very important for all children to develop habits of good attendance. Poor attendance contributes to failing grades, decreased learning opportunities, lower academic achievement and may limit your child's opportunities to be involved with school activities.</span><br /><br /></span><br /><p><span style="color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">(Option 1)</span></p><p><span style="color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">Please call me at <em>PHONE NUMBER</em> to discuss these absences. During this phone conference we will address concerns and issues that may be contributing to the absences, and develop a collaborative plan to try to improve attendance. </span></p><p><span style="color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">(Option 2)</span></p><p style="margin: 10pt 0in;"><span style="color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">I have scheduled an attendance review on <em>DATE</em> at <em>TIME</em>.&nbsp;&nbsp;We will meet at <em>PLACE</em> located at <em>ADDRESS</em>. Please check in at the main office upon your arrival.&nbsp; During this meeting we will address concerns and issues that may be contributing to the absences, and develop a collaborative plan to try to improve attendance. &nbsp;The student and parent should attend this review. If you cannot attend this meeting&nbsp;please contact me at PHONE #. </span></p><br /><p></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>We are notifying you so that together we can address all issues that may be contributing to these absences. Communication between the home and school is very important and we request that parents call the school each and every day that a student is going to be absent. Let us work as partners to make your child successful in school.</p><br />
Sincerely,<br /><br /><br />&amp;SPA_NAME.EVAL<br /><p>
School Support Liaison/ Attendance Designee</p><p>&amp;SCHOOLNAME.EVAL</p>

Reporting Services stopped listening on port 80 or port 443


We have several servers running SQL Server 2012 SP3 Reporting Services that just stopped listening on either port 80 or port 443.  Went into Reporting Services Configuration Manager and saw that they Web Service and Report Manager URL's were configured. Stopped and Started Reporting Services, and still unable to connect to reporting services on port 80 or port 443.

Ran netsh http show urlacl and found there were multiple instances of reserved URL's for ReportServer and ReportManager on ports 80 and port 443. 

Went into Reporting Services configuration Manager, and removed the URL's for Web Service, and Report Manager; exited Reporting Services Configuration Manager.  Re-ran netsh http show urlacl and found there were still URL reservations for the Web Service and Report Manager URL's.  Shouldn't Reporting Services Configuration Manager have removed the reserved url's?

I was able to get Reporting Services listening again on ports 80 and 443 by deleting the existing URL reservations via netsh http delete urlacl.

Any information would be appreciated.


how to pass a parameter to ssrs 2016 mobile reports



Can anyone point to the documentation (or other resources) for passing a parameter to SQL Server 2016 mobile reports in a url?

I have found no examples of syntax, unless it can be assumed that it is exactly the same as paginated report.


lost tablix headings

Hi we run 2012 enterprise. I'm trying to clone a tablix based report as a basis for a new report.  The original had a number of row groups and a couple of column groups. After deleteing the column groups, I lost my tablix hdrs. If I insert a row above outside the top row group, will the properties of that new row be those of a hdg? The reason I ask is that later I may want to repeat that row etc on new pages but don't want to waste time if that isn't the way to get a hdg in my situation.

Reporting Services 2008 - Repeating Headers when Headers are in a rectangle in header cell

I had the same problem as others where the tablix header will not repeat on multiple pages of the report. 
I followed the instructions here http://blogs.msdn.com/robertbruckner/archive/2008/10/13/Repeat-Header-And-Visible-Fixed-Header-Table.aspx and it did not solve the problem.  After trying several scenarios, I found that it was not repeating because I have each header value in a rectangle which spans one column, rather than having each header value in it's own tablix column.

For instance, if we have fields CompanyID and CompanyName on the report, the repeating headers work if I have them in separate columns like this:

                              Tablix Column 1  |  Tablix Column 2
Tablix Header row    Company ID        |  CompanyName
Tablix Detail row      [CompanyID]      |  [CompanyName]

It DOES NOT work when it is designed like this:

                             Tablix Column 1
Tablix Header Row   Company ID    Company Name  (two textboxes in a rectangle)
Tablix Detail Row    [CompanyID]   [CompanyName]  (two textboxes in a rectangle)

Additional info
We have about 1000 reports designed this way that we originally designed in Reporting Services 2005.  We upgraded to 2008 and the reports are displayed just fine except for this issue with the header repeating on multiple pages.  Is there any way to resolve this WITHOUT having to redesign all of these reports?

Thank you,

Highlight top and bottom 10% in SSRS table


I want to highlight the Top and Bottom 10% of values in my SSRS Table.

The sample table should look like this - I have prepared it in Excel

Is this possible in SSRS-2016?

how to run ssrs report using c#



my reports (.rdl file) dataset, lucnhe a procedure from sql server 2014.

i want to lunche the reports programmatically using C#

i refer to the following steps:

  1. Add Web reference to the endpoints. 
  2. Then we need to initialize the report by calling the LoadReport() method.
  3. If the report contains parameters, we need to declare and populate an array of ParameterValue objects. Once the parameters are set up, we can call the SetExecutionParameters() method and pass them in rsExec.SetExecutionParameters(executionParams,"en-us").
  4. Call the Render() method. This method renders the report and returns it as a byte array that we can save into a file.

i cannot do those steps because i take the parameters from the dbo.ExecutionLogStorage  table

and its looks like:


so its a problem to populate the array ParameterValue object (section 3)

BUT,  I have the url of the report, the url contains all the info about the report include the parameters, looks like:


i tried to lunche the URL using the HttpClient, yet' it doesnt work.

using Fiddler i noticed that when im lunching the URL from the browser (and it lunches the report), there are few Requests and Responceson the backgroung before the report actually lunches.

guess a can not imitate browsers work....?

i need to run the reportwithout opening the browser.

i tried in so many ways, and im despaired already...

anybody can help?

SSRS 2008 - Vista Security - Header Only

I installed SQL 2008 Developer and Reporting Services on my Vista Ultimate x64 box.  The box is a new rebuild and only has drivers and windows updates on it.  During the setup of SQL I told it to use my login as the account to run all the SQL services as including Reporting Services.  I also used the default configuration for SSRS during the setup. 

The problem I am having is everytime open http://<mycomputer>/reports I only see the header.  I am almost sure it is a security thing because if I browse to http://<mycomputer>/reports/pages/SystemSecurity.aspx I get a "You do not have permission to access this page". 

Another problem is everytime I first load http://<mycomputer>/reports it also asks me to log in.  I type in my account information that I am currently logged in as and it lets me in but again I only see the header.  I have added http://<mycomputer> as a trusted site while running IE as administrator but it did not help. 

Please help, all the google docs I keep finding only apply to SSRS 2005.

added sort column and got error that sort column has invalid datatype

Hi we run 2012 enterprise. I added a surrogate (we want a sort order on one column to differ from its alpha values) sort order column to the dataset generated by my proc, added same to the sort properties of my tablix and get an error saying "the sort expression used in ... returned a data type that is not valid".  SortOrder is a varchar(2) column with values like '01' and '99'.  There are no nulls in the population.  Why does this happen?

value expression returned data type that is not valid

Hi, we run 2012 enterprise. I'm getting a warning (in preview) on a tablix column whose value is hard coded to "coming soon".   The warning says [rsInvalidExpressionDataType] The value expression used in textrun '...Amt1.Paragraph[0].TextRuns[0]' returned a data type that is not valid.  I typed coming soon right into the value text box for the cell.  Interestingly the value shows as desired when I run the report.  But I'd like to get rid of the warning before deploying.  Why is this happening?

operator error trying to add a dash to a concatenation of fields


Hi we run 2012 enterprise. After getting rid of null values (went empty string) in the view behind this expression I still get an error that says [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The value expression for the textrun 'Textbox114.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error: Operator '+' is not defined for string " - " and type 'CalculatedFieldWrapperImpl'.  What does this mean?

=IIf(Fields!SeqNbr.Value=0,"N/A",IIf(Fields!Category.Value="","UNK",Fields!Category.Value + " - " + Fields!CatCode1.Value + Fields!CatCode2.Value))

SSRS 2014 - CR/LF at the end of the exported text file with CSV renderer



I am using SSRS 2014 with a report showing a simple table of data. For Exporting to csv text file a CSV renderer is used.Following is the renderer configuration in rsreportserver.config file for same. 


<Extension Name="Text file" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
<Name Language="en-us">Text file</Name>

Problem is when I export to text file there is an Carriage Return/Line Feed at the end of the file i.e. after the last record. I need this CR/LF in between the records as normal but not after the last record.

This is causing the import of this file to fail in a consumer application.

Please suggest how to remove the last CR/LF, its urgent.

Note:- I have added  <ExcelMode>False</ExcelMode> to avoid an extra blank line at the end coming in the exported text file.

SSRS (in SharePoint integrated mode) is not returning larger reports in PDF (smaller ones work)


When exporting a report from SSRS (in SharePoint Mode) I am unable to return a PDF on larger reports. On smaller ones things work fine. Example of what I am calling, https://sitecollection/sub-sitename/_vti_bin/reportserver?https://sitecollection/sub-sitename/reportlocation/report.rdl&parameter=16&rs:Format=PDF. My expectation as it works on a smaller generated RDL is that it will return me a PDD via the browsers open, save, etc. dialog box. That is not happening on larger reports. What am I missing here? Is there some size limitation or some sort of different call I need to make here? Any help is appreciated in advance, thanks!

SSRS 2016 KPIs no longer refresh after upgrade to CU2

I set up a refresh plan for my KPIs on SQL Server 2016 RC and it worked fine. After installing the CU2 upgrade, the KPIs no longer seem to refresh when the underlying dataset is refreshed via the cache refresh plan. Does anyone know what the issue is and how to get the KPIs to refresh again?

Unable to start Reporting Services with Service Account


I am unable to start reporting services when I change the configuration to use the services account. 

I receive the following error from the configuration tool:

System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
   at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout)
   at ReportServicesConfigUI.Panels.ConfigurationPanelWithErrors.StartOrStopServiceTask(Boolean start, String serviceName)

I receive the following error from starting in Services directly: 
Windows could not start the SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: The Process Terminated Unexpectedly

The error in the event log: The SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 44 time(s).  The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

There is nothing written to the Report Server Logs

I am able configure and start reporting services with the default account (Local System).

The same services account is working fine for the following services:  SQL Server, SQL Agent, SQL Analysis Services, SQL Integration Services.

Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.

Unable to find an Instance of reporting services



I doing a fresh installation of MBAM 2.5 and getting error "Unable to find an instance of Reproting service" during check prerequisites page.

Actually my SQL is running in cluster on different machine not on the same machine on which MBAM going to install.

And I don't how to bypass this screen so that I can configure the DB parameter for MBAM.

Please advise. 

SSRS report showing incorrect data


Hi Friends,

I am generating a Report using SSRS. I have an issue in the Report output. I am generating the data for the Report using a Stored Proc. I am testing to see if the data is getting populated correctly in the Report. So I have dropped in a Tablix component and I just drag and drop few fields from the Dataset created from the Stored Proc. So there are do grouping in the Tablix. Its just the data whatever is coming from the dataset.

However, the data getting displayed in the report is incorrect and not same as the one when we execute the Stored Proc from SSMS. I am attaching the Screenshot for reference.  As I have mentioned, i do not do any grouping or don have any filters in the Report. However, the data is getting displayed incorrect. I could not find out the issue for the last 2 days. Any assistance would be appreciated

Murali Krishnan

SSRS XML Query against SSRS API


I'm trying to execute an XML Query against the "ListChildren" api method and can't figure out how to get a parameter to pass.

This is the code i'm using:

<Query xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2010/03/01/ReportServer"><Method Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2010/03/01/ReportServer" Name="ListChildren"/><Parameters><Parameter Name="ItemPath"><DefaultValue>/</DefaultValue></Parameter><Parameter Name="Recursive"><DefaultValue>1</DefaultValue></Parameter></Parameters></Query>

I've looked at these resources and they haven't offered any clues:





Can anyone lead me in the right direction?

Adding Columns to Matix without creating multiple groups

Every time I add a column to a matrix I get a new group.  I have a matrix with seven description columns in seven different row groups and one column group.  Can I put the columns into a single group or two groups?  I want to conditionally display a couple columns & it looks like I can only control visibility at the group level.

how to set a ssrs report to a Dynamics NAV

got a new job, work in a Dynamic NAV software company. but don't know how to let the SSRS Report work at the Dynamic NAV, please help me.
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